Donald, who uses the avatar of Donald Duck here, has just inspired me to post a new enquiry. Post a comment here or a photo on your own blog.
What have you got that was sent you as a reward for sending money off to PBS?
I don't think I still have anything, but I'm trying, as I write, to remember what I got years ago, when "Goldie" would get me to renew my membership so many times.
historical Halifax, Nova Scotia
I’ve been to Canada a number of times, mainly to *Toronto and Montreal* for
IRC gatherings, and to *Winnipeg and Vancouver* for family reunions. The
28 minutes ago
You know, personally I have never sent PBS any money and probably never will, but my parents were suckers for every appeal that came along...
I got off to a bad start sending away for stuff -- when I was shy of 10 years old I can remember sending Oral Roberts, the radio evangelist, a quarter for a picture of Jesus Christ. It took an eternity to arrive, and when it did it had been severely mangled in the mail... I think my mother ironed it and taped it up a bit, but the whole experience left a sour taste in my mouth...
Today I am a dedicated atheist, and I probably will spend some time today wondering if that mangled picture had anything to do with it...
You tell stories well. Are they all true?
Yes Marc, all my stories are absoluely true -- I wouldn't want to burn in hell for telling lies just in case this Protestant-God-thing turns out to be true...
What have I got for donating to PBS? letters that ask me to send them even more money. I think I shall refrain until they bring back superb shows like Lidia's Italian Kitchen, Keeping Up Appearances, and Monty Python's Flying Circus. (not necessarily in that order)
"Keeping up Appearances" has just hit Vision TV a local (Canadian), supposedly religious, channel. A prominent critic wondered what was spiritual about the show. Today the same, as Italians say, a letter writer in The Globe and Mail declared the show was an excellent example of, "Pride goeth before destruction". (Proverbs 16:8)
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