Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Google, Facebook, or both?


French Fancy... said...

Both - although I've recently joined and left Twitter

Tess Kincaid said...

I tried FB for a month or two before I started blogging. It wasn't for me. I was bored with it.

marc aurel said...

I'm looking forward to playing chess and scrabble with my friends, but I'm not clear if friends of friends will be able to "see" me as they can on FB. I always get excited by anything new that Google is doing, although I eventually cancelled "Chrome" and returned contentedly to Explorer

Tess Kincaid said...

My son was trying to get me to switch to Chrome, but I resisted. Too many new things I've been unhappy with. Interesting that you switched back to Explorer.

marc aurel said...

Actually I was impressed by the new networking site Google Buzz

Rob said...

Yes. ;)