Sunday, December 21, 2008

None of these thee sets of three sons are mine, but they might just as well be....

I don't know if can stand having children anymore. The youngest is a neat freak who hides everything I leave in a particular place, so that all surfaces are bare. The only things left on all kitchen counters are the toaster and the kettle. Well God bless him; it's better than the opposite, I suppose, but I can never find anything and he sleeps most of the day during the holidays, so I can't ask him where he put the light bulb I had to change. They all sleep all day. The oldest, who doesn't really live here, sleeps all day and his best friend has been here for two weeks. Yesterday I had to tell him to be gone so that we could have Christmas week ,"just family". The middle son is the least trouble, except he borrows the car and leaves the fuel gauge on empty. He borrowed eighty five dollars from me three weeks ago, "just for a few days" ,and last night, this is the last straw that broke this camel's back. Well, I should explain. He has had an operation on his knee, pins and bone grafts and he has to be off work for months. He hobbles around, but can, in fact, drive. So I had been asleep about two hours and we hear a terrible crashing down stairs sound and then silence. He's slipped on the stairs, I think. I leap out of bed and run half naked past our guest and then, and only then, my son calls out. "It's all right, I dropped my crutches down the stairs". Well, needless to say I could not get back sleep for quite a while after. That's when I realised that with everything else, I'm too old, to be having kids at home. Let them sleep all day and throw their crutches down the stairs at their own places.


French Fancy... said...

Hurrah, I knew I was right not having any :)

AphotoAday said...

Doesn't sound like I missed much by never getting married and having kids...
Good luck...

Tess Kincaid said...

My three sons?! Cute pictures. I was ever-so-ready to have our oldest move out this fall. I'm with you, I'm too old for the drama and stress.

Anonymous said...

I am just wondering if your son really should be driving a vehicle especially if his right leg was the one operated on? It is now a physician's legal responsibility in Ontario to report all patients who might have a medical impairment - either temporary or permanent - that could prevent them from safely operating a motor vehicle. This information would be communicated to the driver in the form of a letter sent to their legal address. Of course if it is the left leg and you own an automatic vehicle it is just more an annoyance to have someone out driving around and not filling up the tank at least some of the time!

marc aurel said...

It is his left leg and the car is an automatic. Despite his leg , he should have made sure he replaced our gas in the car. I've had three broken legs in my life and am a believer in, where possible, not allowing someone on temporary crutches to treat themselves as in-valid. Get back on the horse, get back behind the wheel, etc..