Monday, January 18, 2010

hay Fever opens

well, we've got through our first week. I may here have blown my Marcaurel cover. It's about time I did, now that I have decided to do some acting again. I did have a hard time adjusting to it again, especially now that I am working full time, but now that we are performing, it is great fun.


French Fancy... said...

What production are you am-dramming in (maybe I should read back and find out)

marc aurel said...

"Am-dramming". What a wonderful word! Noel Coward wrote Hay Fever in 1925. It was his second play and an emmediate success. I'm performing it in a women's theatre club that has existed in Toronto since just before it was written. I used to amdram for them quite a bit, but quit acting ten years ago.