Friday, January 16, 2015

Glorious mountain views

Mountains 2


Hels said...

Large dramatic spaces, no people, no cars, no pollution. Very cool start to 2015 :)

marc aurel said...

Thanks Hels. I think you are now the only person who looks at my blog.

Hels said...

If I can make a suggestion, for some reason you have never added a title to each post.

In my Favourites List, normally I can see the Blog Name,
the Post Title and
one photo from the post.

In yours I can see just the Blog Name and the top photo. You need a relevant (or sexy and irrelevant) title to attract the reader's eye.

marc aurel said...

Thanks. Good idea, but I am too lazy to do it properly. At first I was going to post the title " Almost private collection of photos", but I do like it when others see them.