Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pashupatinath, Kathmandu, Nepal


marc aurel said...

Years ago I was a car courier. We only had two children so it must have been twenty five years ago. I went to pick up some material at a firm that specialised in huge photo blow ups. The owner of the firm had been to this place and had made two feet by one foot blow ups of the pictures he took there. I bought two of them for two hundred dollars. I found them comforting in that they reminded me of the fragile impermanence of life. My oldest son now has them hanging in his apartment. I never knew where they were of and today tracked them down on Google Earth.

Hels said...

Since you are not Hindu (I am guessing), you were probably not allowed in the temple. Even so, they are pretty amazing photographs.

marc aurel said...

Actually I gather that photography is not allowed.