Sunday, February 24, 2008

Fire on Queen at Portland last week. Oscars tonight.

This is my new six megabite desktop from wikipedia commons. The previous one of Zion Valley did not have enough megabites to be really satisfying as a desktop. I wish commons listed them by their size.

Listenning to sad songs selection from my utube favourites.

Yesterday we went see No Country for Old Men against my instinct to see There Will be Blood first.
The first half of the film was so slow that I was incredibly bored. The outcomes of each situation were treated with such meticulous care that they were obvious long before they happened. Then the film shifted into unpredictability and some obscurity.
The acting was fine, although the businessman? bounty hunter/ DEA agent, (No one is sure who he was) and the wife's mother were played for satire rather than seriousness.
The feel of the eighties in that place (South Texas) were excellent, the cinematography was excellent, the absence of any mood music handled well, (although, as an opera fan and a believer that films inherit more from opera than drama, I found it contibuted to first my boredom and then to my emotional detachment), and the editing both in the particular sequences and the way in which sequences were alternated was very good.
The musicless sound, frequently creating mood with the sound of breathing should win an oscar by itself.
I disliked the film. I was never suprised by it. Unlike my wife, who jumped a few times, I found myself as detached as the psychopath, although reminded at times of the gorier aspects of my work.
God damnit I like to be moved by a movie. To laugh and cry and feel an aching sorrow where I cannot control my emotions. A movie should be cathartic in some way, even if by the ridiculous as in Dumb and Dumber.
What a bummer yesterday was. And then afterwards we had planned to see Juno, but the time was all wrong and we went to Indigo instead where I skimmed through the novel of the film, which was just as bad, but pretentious as well.
I know it's the film of the book, but I said the opposite as a sort of expression of crankiness.
The film's popularity expands from the notion of moderns that there is no room for we ancients.
The only parts I really enjoyed were with Tommy Lee Jones and Tess Harper and there was not much of them. The wife, Kelly something? was also very watchable.
I thought Bardem over hyped, vivid, but not daring and Brolin was just a cypher.
The utube music has changed to Brandenburg concertos. Just one more note about the film: It was memorable.
In the evenning we wathed Heaven's Gate and Boogie Nights, neither of which, ( I was switching between the two and a documentary about Vladimir Putin), satified.
Very happy day with wyf, but grumpy about three (4) filmakers that I admire.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New York


Zion Valley

No pain today so I did not call the doctor and I am getting used to the hole in my tooth so I did not call the dentist either. RC into work very tired from switching shifts. Made date for Monday. Women on Idol tonight. Last nights stand outs were the guy with dread locks and the Australian.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Back at work after two, no three days off. Relaxed. Some discomfort PM as I pass another of those tiny stones or whatever it is that is going on in the lower left, preceded by an uncomfortable left testicle. Will call my doctor tomorrow as Wednesday is his day. Idol tonight with the men. No talk of supper yet. At the end of my work day I played on wiki commons and found this fine B/W picture in the art department. Sadly it is not as large as the original.

From wikipedia commons again.

Monday, February 18, 2008

From Wikipedia commons. Click on most of them for a larger view.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Latest batch. Happy Valentine's day.